There’s nothing glamorous about a car accident. In fact, car accidents can be fatal. With this understanding of how dangerous car accidents can be, it would make sense for people to pay attention to the road.
Unfortunately, people get into car accidents that could’ve been avoided all the time. To make matters worse, it’s not uncommon for someone to experience an accident at the hands of a vain driver. If you have the following practices when you’re on the road, it’s time to stop.
High Heels/Uncomfortable Shoes
Always drive in comfortable shoes. Your feet do a lot of the work when you’re driving. They should feel comfortable. Even if you have to change your shoes before you start driving, it’s worth the effort. When you wear high-heeled shoes, you can run the risk of getting a thin heel stuck on the rug. Shoes that don’t have any grip can slip as you’re pushing the different pedals. Instead of thinking about fashion first, take off uncomfortable shoes and put safety first.
Makeup Application
There are many women who have makeup application down to a science. They’re able to apply a full face of foundation and all the other fixings without the use of a mirror. While this might be initially impressive, it’s also very dangerous. Both hands need to be on the steering wheel when the car is in motion. If you need to swerve quickly and engage your reflexes, it’s best to make sure the road as your full attention to do so.

Mirror Gazing
For many people, the temptation to look at self is real. If you’re flipping down the sun visor to use the vanity mirror while the car is moving, this is a bad habit you’ll want to stop. You’re literally blocking your own view of the road. Adjust and prep yourself before you get in the car.
Cellphone Usage
While smartphones are incredibly useful and helpful for the times when you need to get from Point A to Point B, they can be very detrimental when you’re behind the wheel. Texting is never okay when you’re behind the wheel. You’re not paying attention to the road fully. Plus, there are plenty of people who will do live broadcasts on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
While they’re talking to their audience, they’ll look at the phone in order to engage. However, the only people you need to engage when you’re on the road are the other drivers. Plus, it’s impossible to look at yourself in a smartphone without checking to see how you actually look. If you’re going to use your phone, use it at a red light or when your car is completely parked.
If any of these terrible habits resonate with you because you’ve been guilty of doing them, today is the day to stop. Because car accidents can be avoided, it doesn’t make sense to cut your life short or endanger someone else at the hands of your vain attempts to be fashion-forward or stunning. As you implement these tips, you’ll actually be the responsible driver you know you can truly be.
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